For interviews or press inquiries, please reach out to our Co-op Development Administrator at
10/19/2020 Shared Economies 101: How Co-Ops and Public Banks Impact Women Medium
9/8/2020 All Things Co-op Podcast Interview Democracy at Work
7/15/2019 Can Employee Ownership Preserve Legacy Businesses in Communities of Color? Next City
7/2/2019 Replacing Privilege with Shared Prosperity Ms. More Than a Magazine
6/28/2019 Food Co-ops are on the Rise in Philadelphia PIDC Blog
4/23/2019 Interest Explodes in Worker Cooperatives Drives Economic Changes truthout
2017 -2018
11/9/2018 3 local gov staffers are studying other cities’ co-ops to boost Philly’s democratic biz economy Generocity
10/22/2018 Employee-Owned Businesses a Tool for Equitable Growth Cities Speak
10/1/2018 Worker Co-ops Catch on in Philadelphia Next City
1/26/2018 New city initiative promotes protection of immigrant workers’ rights Al Dia Philadelphia
2/9/2017 There’s new blood at these six Philadelphia impact orgs Generocity
9/15/2016 Reading between the Co-ops The Philadelphia Citizen
6/7/2016 Knight Cities Challenge funds the development of 20 new Philly cooperatives Flying Kite Media
6/3/2016 Knight Foundation shines light on city-boosting projects Philadelphia Inquirer
5/2/2016 Following the footsteps of African-American worker cooperatives Next City
4/12/2016 Knight Cities Challenge awards $5 million for ideas to make cities more successful Knight Foundation Press Release
4/12/2016 4 city-based projects win Knight Foundation awards totaling $873,364 Philadelphia Inquirer
4/12/2016 4 Philly projects just won the largest chunk of Knight Cities Challenge grants Generocity
4/12/2016 These 4 Philly projects won $870K from the Knight Foundation Billy Penn
4/12/2016 State College and Philly projects win Knight Cities Challenge Keystone Crossroads
4/12/2016 Knight Cities Challenge announces 37 winners Next City
4/12/2016 The Knight Cities Challenge awards $873,364 to local visionaries Philebrity
4/13/2016 Four Philadelphians receive national prize to help improve the community CBS Local
4/13/2016 Knight Foundation selects four Philadelphia winners in Cities Challenge Newsworks/WHYY
4/13/2016 Quartet of Philly community projects awarded Knight Foundation grants Al Dia News
4/19/2016 Philadelphia makes another prime showing in latest Knight Cities challenge Flying Kite Media
9/2015 Power to the people issue Grid Magazine
1/2014 Market driven Grid Magazine
2/2014 Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance seeks to expand membership Generocity
7/2014 Co-operative business associations manage national support and local needs Co-operative News
10/2014 How PACA Executive Director Peter Frank became a co-op expert Generocity
11/2014 Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance elects board Generocity
2/2013 A community of co-ops grows in Philly Cooperative Grocer
12/2013 Food co-ops 101 Edible Philly
2/2012 Newly-formed Philadelphia Co-op Alliance shares knowledge Generocity